We offer a variety of social events during the EYFDM Forum. For people arriving on Thursday we offer a get-together in the evening and a city tour on Friday morning. On Friday evening our first gala dinner will take place in our hotel in Saarbrücken. Saturday evening we are pleased to invite you to dinner at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte, the world's only completely preserved ironworks from the heyday of industrialization. On Sunday we will end the congress with other great events in which you can participate voluntarily. We are planning a city tour with wine tasting in Strasbourg.

A detailed schedule, including information about the authors and subjects, is available here:

Ticket prices overview
Thursday evening get-together Luxembourg for free
City tour at Luxembourg on Friday 15 €
Dinner Friday at Victors Residenz-Hotel 50 €
Dinner Saturday at Völklinger Hütte 59 €
Strasbourg city tour and wine tasting 15 €

We are looking forward to a great time with you!